The Holly Given Fund Receives $16,000 Grant from Monroe County Tourist Development Council for 2024

Exciting news is on the horizon! We are thrilled to announce that The Holly Given Fund has been awarded a generous grant of $16,000 from the Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) for the year 2024.

Exciting news is on the horizon! We are thrilled to announce that The Holly Given Fund has been awarded a generous grant of $16,000 from the Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) for the year 2024. This grant represents a significant milestone in our journey to create a positive impact on the upper Florida Keys community. Let's delve into the details and explore what this grant means for our mission.

A Boost for Community Empowerment

At The Holly Given Fund, our mission revolves around honoring Holly's memory and enriching the lives of those living in the Florida Keys. This grant from the Monroe County TDC is a testament to our shared commitment to community empowerment and positive change.

Supporting Our Initiatives

The $16,000 grant will play a pivotal role in supporting our various initiatives, including educational scholarships, domestic abuse prevention, and community enrichment programs. It will enable us to extend our reach and amplify our impact within the upper Florida Keys.

Enhancing Educational Opportunities

A significant portion of the grant will be dedicated to our scholarship programs. These scholarships provide individuals in the Florida Keys with opportunities for higher education, vocational training, and professional growth. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our community.

Strengthening Domestic Abuse Prevention

Another crucial aspect of our mission is domestic abuse prevention and education. The grant will allow us to continue raising awareness and providing resources to combat this issue, creating a safer and more informed environment for all.

Community Enrichment

Additionally, the grant will support our efforts to enrich the community by funding events, programs, and initiatives that foster a sense of togetherness and empowerment among residents.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our sincere gratitude to the Monroe County Tourist Development Council for their recognition and support of our mission. This grant is a testament to the importance of our work and the positive impact we aim to create within the Florida Keys community.

Join Us in Making a Difference

As we move forward into 2024, we invite you to join us in making a difference. Whether through participation in our events, volunteering, or making a donation, your involvement contributes to our mission of honoring Holly's memory and uplifting our community.

Stay tuned for updates on how the grant will be utilized to further our initiatives and create a brighter future for the upper Florida Keys. Together, we can continue to turn tragedy into hope and transform lives.